PROCAD Systems AB — General terms and conditions of purchase

1 Company information

PROCAD Systems AB (com­pa­ny reg­is­tra­tion num­ber 556194 – 4991) has its reg­is­tered office in Västerås, Sweden. The com­pa­ny’s postal address is Transformatorgatan 2, 721 37 Västerås.

If you wish to get in touch with us, please send an email to with your case and con­tact details and we will get back to you shortly.

2 Ordering

Once you have com­plet­ed your order, an order con­fir­ma­tion will be sent to your e‑mail address. In the con­fir­ma­tion you will find all the details of the prod­ucts, price, billing and deliv­ery address. If there is any error in the order con­fir­ma­tion, you should con­tact us imme­di­ate­ly by e‑mail to

3 Delivery

Our nor­mal deliv­ery times are 1 – 4 days. PLEASE NOTE! Orders placed on week­ends will be shipped on the first weekend-free day at the ear­li­est. Delivery of soft­ware is by down­load to the cus­tomer’s com­put­er. If there are delays in deliv­ery (with­out us hav­ing noti­fied you of longer deliv­ery times), you can con­tact us at the fol­low­ing e‑mail address:

4 Payment

Payment must be made with­in 30 days of the invoice date, unless oth­er­wise agreed. Payment shall be made by invoice or, by agree­ment, also by card payment/bank trans­fer. In the event of late pay­ment, we shall be enti­tled to charge inter­est on arrears in accor­dance with the Interest Act as well as the statu­to­ry reminder fee and col­lec­tion fee, includ­ing col­lec­tion costs. All prod­ucts are the prop­er­ty of PROCAD Systems AB until full pay­ment has been received.

5 Prices

All prices in the web shop are quot­ed in SEK and all prices are exclu­sive of VAT. We reserve the right to change prices due to price changes from sup­pli­ers, mis­prints in the price list and errors in prices due to incor­rect infor­ma­tion and reserve the right to adjust the price.

5.1 Quotation and order

A writ­ten quo­ta­tion is valid for 30 days from the date of the quo­ta­tion, unless oth­er­wise stat­ed in the quo­ta­tion. A con­tract shall be deemed to have been con­clud­ed when the recip­i­ent of the quo­ta­tion (“Customer”) has accept­ed the quo­ta­tion and sub­se­quent­ly received an Order Confirmation from PROCAD Systems AB. (“Customer”) has a respon­si­bil­i­ty to care­ful­ly check that the Order Confirmation is cor­rect and imme­di­ate­ly noti­fy PROCAD Systems AB in case it con­tains errors, but no lat­er than with­in 3 days of receipt of the Order Confirmation.

(“Customer”) shall, at the time of accep­tance of the offer, spec­i­fy the e‑mail address, postal address or e‑invoice to which (“Customer”) wish­es PROCAD Systems AB to send invoic­es and oth­er communications.

5.2 Complaints

With regard to war­ran­ty con­di­tions, the con­di­tions of our respec­tive sup­pli­ers apply.

(“Customer”) must always con­tact us for approval before return­ing a defec­tive item. The com­plaint must be sent imme­di­ate­ly after the defect has been dis­cov­ered to

5.3 Consumer protection legislation (private individuals)

We inspect all prod­ucts before they are sent to you. Should the prod­uct nev­er­the­less be dam­aged or incor­rect­ly shipped when it arrives, we under­take, in accor­dance with the applic­a­ble con­sumer pro­tec­tion leg­is­la­tion, to rem­e­dy the defect free of charge.

5.4 How do you handle complaints? (private individuals)

Any error or defect should always be com­plained to stat­ing your name, address, e‑mail address, order num­ber and a descrip­tion of the error.

If we are unable to rec­ti­fy the defect or sup­ply a sim­i­lar prod­uct, we will refund you for the defec­tive prod­uct in accor­dance with the applic­a­ble con­sumer pro­tec­tion leg­is­la­tion. We will pay the return freight for accept­ed complaints.

We reserve the right to refuse a com­plaint if it turns out that the prod­uct is not defec­tive in accor­dance with applic­a­ble con­sumer pro­tec­tion leg­is­la­tion. When mak­ing com­plaints, we fol­low the guide­lines of the Swedish Complaints Board, see

6 Limitation of liability

We accept no lia­bil­i­ty for indi­rect dam­ages that may occur due to the product.

We accept no lia­bil­i­ty for delays/failures due to cir­cum­stances beyond our con­trol (Force Majeure). These cir­cum­stances may include, for exam­ple, labour dis­putes, fire, war, gov­ern­men­tal deci­sions, reduced or non-delivery from the supplier.

Furthermore, no respon­si­bil­i­ty is tak­en for any changes to products/product char­ac­ter­is­tics made by the respec­tive sup­pli­er and oth­er fac­tors beyond our control.

7 Scheduled and customized courses

7.1 Cancellations

Any can­cel­la­tion must be noti­fied to us at least 14 work­ing days before the start of the course. In case of lat­er can­cel­la­tion with­out a med­ical cer­tifi­cate, the full course fee will be charged.

7.2 Setting up a scheduled course

We reserve the right to can­cel a course with insuf­fi­cient enrol­ments. In this case, we will noti­fy you at least five work­ing days before the start of the course.

8 Product information

We reserve the right to make print­ing errors on this web­site and to sell prod­ucts at the end of the course.

9 Changes to the General Terms and Conditions of Purchase

We reserve the right to make changes to the terms and con­di­tions at any time. Changes to the terms and con­di­tions will be pub­lished online on the web­site. The amend­ed terms and con­di­tions will be deemed accept­ed at the time of order­ing or vis­it­ing the website.

10 Dispute and arbitration

If a dis­pute aris­es between the par­ties con­cern­ing the inter­pre­ta­tion or legal effect of the pur­chase agree­ment between the par­ties, the dis­pute shall first be attempt­ed to be resolved by nego­ti­a­tion between the parties.

If nego­ti­a­tions are not resolved with­in 30 days, either par­ty may request that the dis­pute be resolved by final arbi­tra­tion in Sweden under the Civil Procedure Act. In case of dis­agree­ment on the appoint­ment of the arbi­tral tri­bunal, the arbi­tral tri­bunal shall be appoint­ed by a judge of the District Court of Västerås.

Disputes con­cern­ing the inter­pre­ta­tion or appli­ca­tion of these General Terms and Conditions shall be inter­pret­ed in accor­dance with Swedish law and statute.

10.1 General Complaints Board (private individuals)

In the event that a dis­pute can­not be resolved by mutu­al agree­ment between the par­ties, you as a pri­vate cus­tomer may apply to the Allmänna Reklamationsnämnden, see For res­i­dents of an EU coun­try oth­er than Sweden, com­plaints can be sub­mit­ted online via the European Commission’s dis­pute medi­a­tion plat­form, see

In the event of a dis­pute, we will fol­low the deci­sion of ARN or an equiv­a­lent dis­pute res­o­lu­tion body.
